Unlock unparalleled business insights and elevate performance with our AI/ML consulting, guiding you toward data-driven decisions and innovation.

Outperform your rivals with
our AI & ML solutions

Achieve up to a 22% boost in sales with AI recommendations systems

Save up to 17% on your maintenance costs with ML-based load balancing

Accelerate your business processes by up to 32% with AI-based automation

Get a team of AI & ML experts to
empower your business at all

What do you get with our AI & ML
consulting company?

Improved business visibility

Benefit from our machine learning consulting expertise, leveraging well-structured reports and data-driven decision-making to expertly guide your business through growth and changing market situations.

Increased sales

Bring personalized recommendations, advanced behaviour analysis, and forecasting across traffic and product popularity to turn your sales to another level.

Enhanced customer experience

Introduce smart robo-advisory solutions to save the time and effort of your customer support team and provide your clients with answers on products and delivery rapidly.

Accelerated operations

Enhance operational efficiency by reducing manual work and offloading low-level tasks to AI & ML solutions through our specialized ML consultancy, enabling your team members to concentrate on critical and intricate objectives.

Cover every detail with our one-stop shop
for AI & ML development


Leverage the power of AI and ML consulting to harness cutting-edge technologies that transform speech, text, video, or images into well-structured, actionable data recognized by algorithms. Unlock business insights, fortify fraud prevention with actions and object recognition, and elevate user experiences through conversational AI..

What’s included?

  • Speech recognition
  • Sentiment analysis
  • Grammatical tagging
  • Object recognition
  • Named entity recognition
  • Activities recognition
  • Natural language generation
  • Conversational AI

What do we use?

Natural Language Toolkit

From basic speech recognition to word segmentation, tagging, and tokenization, we use NLTK to help our clients receive not only well-recognized text but take advantage of AI-prepared logical conclusions.

Combo of ML and deep learning tools

To reduce the need for manual coding and ensure smooth scaling, we implement a combo of statistical NLP, ML, and deep learning. It allows us to design systems that only get better when processing large amounts of data and provide well-refined results.

What’s in it for you?

Smooth recognition of large volumes of audio, video, and written content

Advanced data analysis and insights gathering across your communication channels

Complex automation and analysis solutions

Enhanced behaviour analysis and spam detection


From automated object recognition and classification to self-driving vehicles, our AI and computer vision consulting firm harnesses cutting-edge technologies to equip businesses with advanced methods of information analytics, security, and process optimization, ensuring unparalleled innovation and efficiency.

What’s under the hood?

  • Image Classification
  • Object Detection
  • Content Indexing
  • Optical Character Recognition

What do we use?

Deep Learning

By feeding the ML model a lot of data, we empower it to differentiate images by a number of parameters and make assumptions about objects. Such models teach themselves, which sufficiently reduces manual coding.

Convolutional neural networks

To set up an efficient ML solution, we use CNNs that break down images into pixels, label and tag them. Then, we train ML models so they can predict and identify images clearly.

Recurrent neural networks

While convolutional networks help identify images, our AI & ML consultancy employs recurrent networks to help ML solutions understand how images in a series of frames on video are related to one another.

What’s in it for you?

Advanced content analysis and segmentation

Reduced human error and accelerated analysis processes

Improved security along with faster authentication


Engage an AI & ML technology to introduce data science-powered analytics and empower almost every part of your business — from allocating the right employees to the right jobs and advanced performance analysis to rapid fraud detection and sophisticated cross-sales models.

What’s included?

  • Pre-trained ML models
  • Analysis systems setup
  • Data science tasks automation
  • Data science lifecycle management
  • Descriptive and predictive modules
  • Optimization modules

What do we use?

IBM SPSS Statistics

IBM Watson Studio

Oracle DataScience

TIBCO Statistica

SAS Advanced Analytics

Apache Spark



What’s in it for you?

A clear picture of your customer behaviour and strategy implementation

Enhanced marketing and personalization

Advanced load balancing and improved system performance

Improved inventory management and cost optimization


Access our AI consulting company data engineering services to bring your operational efficiency and analytics to another level. Get more valuable insights about your target audience, identify new opportunities, make better decisions, and generate more revenue — in a transparent and predictable way.

What’s included?

  • Data discovery
  • Data quality standardization
  • Real-time and batch data processing
  • Database and data platforms optimization
  • Advanced analytics automation
  • Data streaming development

What do we use?


Apache Spark

Apache Kafka

Amazon Athena

Amazon Redshift

Power BI

Apache Hadoop

Google Cloud Dataflow

Clear, performant data structure

Targeted data analytics and more insights

Enhanced decision making and outcomes tracking

Advanced predictability for better user experience


Bring a combo of enhanced team productivity and tailored customer experience to achieve better business efficiency and stand out from the competition for once. Our artificial intelligence consultants design sharp, intelligent virtual assistants that cover precisely what your business requires and set you up for a cost-efficient business expansion.

What’s included?

  • AI-powered chatbots
  • Voice assistants
  • Domain-specific assistants
  • Intelligent personal assistants
  • AI avatars

What do we use?

STT and TTS tools

Computer vision tools

NLP and NLU kits

Deep learning

What’s in it for you?

Tailored user experience

Increased team productivity

Enhanced customer support efficiency

Advanced tasks automation

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the skill level of your AI & ML developers?

We compose development teams according to your business specifics and the situation your tech solution faces — and assign only middle and senior developers guided by an experienced team leader.

In what industries do your AI & ML developers have experience?

We apply the cross-domain expertise and knowledge generated from building applications for fintech, travel, proptech, healthcare, e-commerce, food delivery, and more industries. Our background includes delivering solutions for SMBs and enterprises.

Will I have complete control over your AI & ML development team?

When you hire our AI and machine learning consultants, you not only get direct access to each and every developer but can either manage the project on your side or engage our dedicated project managers.

How much does it cost to hire AI & ML consultants at Pythonmate??

Team composition, project duration, and the expertise required to cover your project are what define the costs. Contact our sales representative to get a rough estimate in just several days.

Will I be able to interact with your AI & ML development team if I'm not very tech-savvy?

Yes. We speak business no worse than technology and will guide you through the entire development process, clarify details, and provide comprehensive documentation. If needed, our business analysts will support you for as long as you need so we are on the same page.

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